“Website making isn’t rocket science”. Having an online presence is very crucial for valuable business visibility especially when launching a website. It creates brand awareness and convenient interactions with the clients.

I am sure that you must have a love for websites that’s why you are here. Don’t worry we have gathered a list of excellent tips on how to make a simple website to make money. We’ve also shared various steps on how to make a website and earn money for free along with successful website examples.

Scroll down to have a look at various steps and successful website tips on how to create a website

Selecting a capable Web Host When you start a website, you have several hosting options. The best answer to how to create the best web/ website is by picking up a capable web hosting service. Each provider has a unique advantage that enhances your site. The degree of web security increases when you add different features like web application firewalls (WAF) such as Cloudbric, Incapsula or Cloudflare and denial-of-service (DDoS) protection. Web hosts such as Bluehost and GoDaddy allows you to decide the extent of your safety, this is the first step to make a website secure.

Structured query language (SQL) injection and cross-site scripting can expose information to various forms of attacks and risks while WAF monitors these serious issues. Data loss or out-of-commission sites turn away potential customers, yet partnering with an effective hosting provider keeps your site secure on an online platform.

Choosing the right content management system

A content management system (CMS) is a very useful tool to build and manage your website content. For creating a secure website one needs a robust CMS. When vulnerabilities occur, an equipped CMS can safeguard your website ensuring minimum security gaps. The latest CMS versions can help your website withstand the latest weaknesses and hacking methods.

Popular CMS like Joomla and WordPress are more user-friendly and interactive in nature. It facilitates safety which makes the installing modifications convenient for not only the development crew but also the marketing staff.

Managing plugins and add-ons

Plugins and add-ons enhance and open up wide experiences for your visitors but its overabundance can lead to website hazards. They can also slow down your website and prevent responsiveness. A timely add-on and plugin reduce the chances for defects. It is also very much necessary to examine the reputation, details, and revision history for plugins and add-ons be it from CMS or a third-party.

This website tool needs to be regularly updated and maintained. If they become outdated, then they are exposed to numerous security risks for businesses. Whenever using plugins or add-ons keep in mind that everything is balanced and not overly done. You can make good use of security-specific add-ons to limit viruses. WordPress plugins such as wordfence security or Sucuri Security decreases infiltration to assist you in your journey to build a secure website.

List of top 10 successful website examples

  1. Microsoft.com
  2. Google.com
  3. apple.com
  4. www.blogger.com
  5. support.google.com
  6. play.google.com
  7. youtube.com
  8. plus.google.com
  9. en.wikipedia.org
  10. Mozilla.org

Implementing reliable passwords

A poor password frequently causes online data leakages which hampers your businesses severely. With a wide range of personnel working together on your website, it becomes very essential to have a unique set of password practices.

Cybersecurity experts advise users to have a diverse number of passwords on various platforms. To set a unique business website password, one can adopt original passwords with a combination of symbols, letters, and numbers. (2FA) Two-factor authentication is another screening technique to prevent hackers. Additional code can better identify approved users, and many CMS platforms include this feature in their security measures.

Setting up automatic backups

Investing in your website takes enough effort and time, but sometimes servers might fail which destroys your hard work. Backup systems are brilliant solutions that can restore your company’s core website information and quick your relaunch. While you need to figure out the underlying issue that initiates the crash, you can shield your business from time-intensive recovery and redundant work with a backup system.

Store your data in a safe and trustworthy space, like the central server which protects your content against potential threats. Automatic backups of your website content and layout safe your time for restating the work. For the best results, you can install automated backup technology to gather your data routinely.

Keep security subscriptions updated

Recurring security applications from your host or CMS usually get renewed through subscriptions. Paid subscriptions require you to refinance them promptly. If you don’t no one gets your platform when these subscriptions end. Security becomes a vital priority when building your site.

Malware can capitalize on this, so updating these protective elements is a priority. Tracking your various services can keep you informed on which subscriptions are running out and how integral they are to your website. Setting alerts or enabling auto-renewal for these features can close the breaks in subscriptions.

Adding a Secure Sockets Layer certificate (SSL) is a must – It is a small data file which is installed on the webserver allows you to have a secure connection between the server and your Web browser.

Add a secure socket layer certificate

SSL certificates are mostly used by online enterprises who wish to encrypt credit card transactions, to make data transfers, process logins and host secure social media websites Secure sockets layer (SSL) certificates are the best way to guard online businesses. Along with SSL, business websites can exchange an HTTP address for HTTPS. This improves your site’s security and serves as a trust signal to customers and business partners, which is critical.


Minutely go through your website to test each section that needs a little extra work. You can check through the pages and processes and do the necessary changes immediately to deal with them. Doing last-minute testing is a must for compatibility issues. Also, make sure to view differences and make the necessary changes to ensure the final product is best optimized. Although you may be eager to launch your site, carrying out the finishing touches on security can provide you with a reliable platform.

Need a secure site now? Get a secure website now

Contact us right now! If you want to create a standard, successful website that makes money for your business. Our experts will support and guide you throughout the entire process for secure web development. Our web design and development techniques lead to a safer, functional platform to increase your revenue and earn valuable sales, leads, and traffic. If you are thinking about how to create a stable website then email us right now at info@codeblendlabs. For any queries, relating to website development feel free to get in touch with us.

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